Unconventional Pets De-Mystified

It’s widely believed that a family pet can greatly improve quality of life, and many animals are very easy to care for if you know what you’re doing. As long as you know the best dog food for English Bulldogs is different from the best dog food for German Shepherds, for example, then you’re good […]

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Re-Decorating on the Cheap

It was brought to mind recently when my sister-in-law announced that she’d be hosting a Christmas party this year just how complicated people make things. I love her to bits, but now she’s up in arms at times, stressed out about her plans to redecorate. Christmas is still a very long way away as of […]

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Gaining Weight Safely

I think from the point of view of most people in this world, anybody who is dealing with their desire to gain weight has what we call nice life problems! It’s not that straight-forward though – it’s in fact a real issue for people referred to as ectomorphs, meaning they have the body types of […]

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Exploring the Open-Living Trend

Open living trends suggest so many different things to different people. For one, traditional architects and civil engineers from times gone by generally feel open-living buildings are the work of some of the laziest modern day architects, so too some interior designers who effectively feel that too much interior decorative work is left to them […]

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Peeking Beyond the Secret Doors of Man Caves

Even if you’re perhaps forbidden from going into your significant other’s so-called man-cave, chances are you have a very good idea of what is in there and what goes on in there. However, for those ladies whose dudes are considering setting up a man cave and you’re a bit apprehensive about the implications thereof; fear […]

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Growing Your Own Vegetable Garden

It’s one of those life’s-simple-pleasures dreams pretty much every homeowner has, that of having your own little pumpkin patch to grow vegetables in. When it comes down to the actual work of physically getting one set up then the enthusiasm can wane quite quickly and that patch you earmarked for your home vegetable garden remains […]

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30-Day Weight Shedding Diet

If you want to lose weight then there are a few ways to go about it, but if you’re serious about it then you’ll notice that all the effective ways ultimately boil down to one approach, in essence. Many people suffer from what could very well be some justifiable analysis paralysis, but at some point […]

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Achieving Fitness Goals In Spite of Food Allergies

Food allergies can make for some of the most annoying realities to have to deal with, whether it’s allergies suffered by your kids or if you’re the unfortunate individual to have to constantly watch what you eat. Look at it as a blessing though – all the people I know who are fighting a lifelong […]

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How to Take Care of Flowers

One of the corniest ways through which an admirer demonstrates their interest is indeed doing it the old fashioned way of getting you flowers, and by corny of course I mean deeply appreciated. In fact, I prefer to refer to it as being old school instead of old fashioned. What if love blossoms and you […]

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Effective Home Remedies That Cost Nothing

I suppose it’s something you work into your budget when you decide to spoil and pamper yourself with a day out at the health and beauty spa, so too whenever you decided to indulge in any one or more of your guilty pleasures, so it’s always a case of money well spent. There are times […]

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