North East, Yorkshire & The Humber – Home to the UK’s best drivers?

How good of a driver someone is considered to be is subjective, isn’t it? The good thing about this is that that subjectivity is binary, whereas there are a lot of grey areas between the borders that define the characteristics of a good driver.

So if you were the executive producer of a forthcoming motion picture, your definition of what a good driver is would be contextually opposed to a motorist an insurer or traffic police officer would give the seal of approval to as a good driver.

As the responsible road-users we should all aspire to be though, I guess the consensus is indeed that a good driver is one who considers other road-users and conducts themselves on the road in a manner which suggests that they’re considerate, and courteous to others. So no, you’re probably not going to find the next greatest advanced movie stunt driver in North East, Yorkshire & The Humber, but that is indeed home to the UK’s best drivers…at least according to the results of a survey which was commissioned by an auto insurer. And, because of these measured elements generally forming part of the process insurance companies use to determine the premiums they charge, you best believe this is some information that you can take to the bank!

So, what exactly is it which puts North East, Yorkshire & The Humber atop the list of the UK regions with the best drivers?

There are other consideration factors in which respondents from this region indicated to practice diligence, but it comes down to three main areas where North East, Yorkshire & The Humber drivers contribute to making the region a real joy to drive in. These are overtaking, focussing on the task at hand (driving), and a consideration of the speed limit.


An impressively high 67% of residents never overtake when the rules of the road don’t allow them to, which makes drivers in this region the best in the UK in that regard. It’s perhaps the age-old “majority-rules” notion that keeps more would-be road-rules delinquents in-check. If you’re the only one overtaking at barrier lines and the likes, you’re likely to stand out and be brought to book within the confines of the law…


Distractions are an everyday part of driving, but in North East, Yorkshire & The Humber drivers particularly avoid the so-called self-induced distractions that tempt many drivers while they should be focussed on the task at hand. 53% of the residents have never smoked, eaten or drank while driving, which is another “best in the UK” figure.

The legal speed limit

Another one of the indicatively harder road rules to religiously stick to is that of staying under the legal speed limit, testimony to which difficulty is the fact that despite coming in at around 40%, this percentage of people who have never exceeded the legal speed limit is also the best in the UK.

Congratulations to the drivers of the North East, Yorkshire & The Humber, and hopefully more drivers will take a leaf out their driving manuals!