Drug Abuse: Is Your Teen at Risk?

You send your first child off to college. While holding back tears, you are so excited about their achievements. They did the hard work during high school earning above-average grades and did well on standardized tests. As a result, they received an acceptance letter from the preferred school on their list. Now, after only a few short months away at college, your star child, a model student, is having difficulties. 

The Adjustment 

Many students who do well in high school have difficulties achieving good grades in college. The workload and intense amount of research and studying required is an adjustment that every new student encounters. Those who are secure in their being and strong-willed will survive. However, for many others, it can lead to a dependency on drugs or alcohol as a way of coping. 

How do They Get Drugs? 

You may ask yourself “Where are these students getting the drugs from?” Many find them through other students who have an outside connection or a family member who has a prescription and sells them. This is almost standard practice at colleges across the states. If you suspect that your child is abusing drugs, ask them directly. If that approach doesn’t work, make a visit to the school to see first-hand. The good news is that if you catch it early, there are prescription drug rehab centers that can provide the help your child needs to make a full recovery. 

College Life 

Life on campus is way different than the sanctuary your child left behind, their home. There are many influences that are hard to resist, especially if your teen wants to excel and will not accept failure. Prescription drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall and Valium are readily available. The first two help students remain focused to complete assignments and the latter lets them relax and unwind. Unfortunately, it’s a common practice among college students to abuse some type of drug. 

Avoiding a Relapse 

In some instances, your child may have gone to rehab similar to the treatment facilities for drug addicts in British Columbia, and has made a full recovery, and that’s good news. The downside is that they will still have exposure and remain at risk of returning to a dependency on a controlled substance. Avoiding a relapse is essential to their health and wellbeing. Thankfully, there are several ways to reduce the possibility. First, if your child is having trouble with a particular class, find them a tutor who’s well-versed in the subject matter. Second, make sure that you explain to them that there are counselors on staff that they can turn to for advice. 

Taking Care of You 

Your teen is a good kid. They always do the right thing. They work hard and don’t let anything stand in their way. However, college is a different environment and most teens, even those who did well in high school want to fit in. A great way to find their sanctuary is to spend time at the gym as a way to reduce stress and feel good. Eating nutritious meals and getting the proper amount of sleep are also important. In order to do well in college, you must take care of yourself. This is something you should drill into your child’s head. 

Come Home During Breaks 

While remaining on campus during breaks may help to develop long-term relationships, it also keeps your teen at risk for abusing drugs or alcohol. Bringing them home gives them a reality check away from their surreal world and can open their eyes to the problems at college. While you may now butt heads due to their newfound independence, with a little give and take, it will be like old times.

Drug and alcohol abuse are unfortunately all too common on college campuses. Your child will have enough to deal with after these years with student loans and finding a good-paying job. If you suspect your teen is abusing, address the problem quickly.