Why are Inflatable Kayaks Increasing in Popularity

Kayaking has been a favorite pastime around the world for what seems like forever. It lets you get out on the water in a stable, easy-to-control manner, and it’s a lot cheaper than buying a full-blown boat.

However, there’s a newer option available that is changing the way aquatic sports enthusiasts see kayaking: Inflatables.

Why is this? Aren’t they just glorified balloons of questionable quality? Well, as it turns out, they’re actually pretty worthwhile now, and several factors are causing them to increase in popularity.

Let’s take a look at what makes inflatable kayaks so appealing nowadays.

Increased Quality

Back in the day, you were probably better off paying for a wooden or polymer kayak. Old inflatable kayaks were known for their lack of durability, and let’s face it. You don’t want your kayak to act like a Whoopie Cushion while you’re in the middle of a massive lake.

That’s not the case anymore. Modern synthetic materials make inflatable kayaks a durable and long-lasting option that you can truly rely on. They’re highly unlikely to develop holes even in the roughest waters, and you can rest assured that you’re just as safe as you’d be in a solid kayak.


As the world moves towards smaller, more eco-friendly cars, it’s getting difficult to transport bulky, inflexible objects like massive wooden kayaks. Even if you have access to a vehicle that can handle it, they’re unwieldy and difficult to secure properly.

Inflatable kayaks work a lot like an air mattress. You can roll them up into a highly portable form, stash them in your car, and then inflate them when you get where you’re going. Some even have built-in air pumps specifically for this.


Getting a beautiful, handcrafted, wooden kayak, or even a high-quality polymer one, isn’t cheap. Yes, you can get high quality fishing boats as well – but sometimes the aesthetics of a kayak are just too hard to resist!

Inflatables aren’t nearly as expensive. Most people who can save a little money each payday can afford even the best inflatable kayaks in a reasonable period.

Most importantly, you don’t lose the level of quality we discussed earlier. They’re cheaper because they’re cheaper to manufacture; not because manufacturers cut corners.


Even if you have a vehicle capable of transporting your kayak to a body of water, you still have to get it to the shore. If you have a traditional kayak, that means you’ll be stuck lugging it to the shore. Even if it’s a lightweight polymer, you’ll have a 7 to 10-foot piece of plastic to guide through trees, over rocks, and down hills. That’s not exactly fun.

An inflatable kayak can be stuffed in a backpack, and it doesn’t weigh that much. This makes it easy for even older people or those who lack the physical strength to get their kayak to the waterfront.