Why is marketing so important?

When you are looking to grow a business, you need to have a calling card.

Something that allows people to find you and access the services that you can offer. In the past this would have meant sending out flyers or having banners printed and placed by the roadside. Today, it means engaging with online marketing, SEO and more than ever, ensuring that your website is pulling its weight.

If you run a dental surgery and are looking to expand it with more customers, you could assume that all you need to do is keep your doors open to attract patients, but this is not the case. Dentistry is a business and if you don’t have a way to attract patients, they will simply go somewhere else.

So, with that in mind, why else is a successful marketing strategy so important? Read on to find out.

It engages customers

This is different from pushing your services forward. Instead, it involves showcasing what you have to offer and letting your potential patients choose whether or not they want to engage in your dental services. So, you have to put your best practices and offers forward. This is where your website comes into play.

A few efficient ways to project your site to the public is by marketing them through different media channels. You could broadcast e-mails to consumers through Simplelists or similar e-mail management companies. You could even market them on social media platforms, which can capture viewer interest, thereby creating engagement. However, you ought to ensure that you have a logical, attractive and interactive website that loads quickly and allows potential clients to find exactly what they are looking for.

Maintains reputation

How many times have you been online and seen a website or company that has gotten a bad review because it hasn’t lived up to the expectations of the customers?

By having a platform to work from for your dental surgery online, which is usually social media, you will be able to talk to your patients with ease, answering their questions and meeting their expectations both online and in surgery.


A successful marketing strategy is going to involve putting your patients or customers at the front of everything you do. And, indeed, a marketing strategy that is drawn up and put into plan in 2022 is going to be aimed at building relationships with potential customers on social media platforms like Facebook.

As mentioned before, this will help to build your reputation, but it will also build trust. If you answer questions quickly, a person (or in this case potential patient) is more likely to engage with you in the future. This will need to be carried over into your surgery and with your dental team, but marketing should aim to put the patient’s needs first.

It boosts sales

A well-thought-out and executed marketing plan will boost sales. Take, for example, patients looking for an appropriate dental clinic to visit; when they come across a clinic that has dedicated its efforts towards effective Dental marketing, customers are better engaged, which helps portray a certain image, which builds trust.

Indeed, dental surgeries who have engaged in marketing and SEO will see their patient list grow in as little as 1 month after beginning their marketing strategy, so you can rest assured that your sales and patient lists will grow.

Informed decisions

Want to know which area of your dental surgery is pulling patients in? A marketing team will be able to provide this information via their analysis and will help you to put your best foot forward relating to sales and attracting and retaining more patients. Great!


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.