Zoning In on Gluten Sensitivity and Intolerance

For most people they can grow up for long periods of their lives oblivious to the fact that their systems are gluten sensitive. At least when it’s all the way gluten intolerance then your body really lets you know that something you’re feeding it shouldn’t be on the menu and you subsequently go on to […]

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How to Get the Family to Eat More Fruit

Considering the fact that fruits are actually delicious without subjectively comparing them to vegetables or any other food, you’d think that it would be much easier to get the family to eat more of them more regularly. It’s not though – and I’m willing to bet that you probably don’t get your recommended five portions […]

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Supplementation Done Right

There’s no doubt about the fact that we simply cannot get all the nutrients our bodies need exclusively from the regular food we eat, such is the nature of the busy lives we lead today. Besides the business, the nutritional value contained in the food that’s produced in this day and age isn’t quite what […]

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Gaining Weight Safely

I think from the point of view of most people in this world, anybody who is dealing with their desire to gain weight has what we call nice life problems! It’s not that straight-forward though – it’s in fact a real issue for people referred to as ectomorphs, meaning they have the body types of […]

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30-Day Weight Shedding Diet

If you want to lose weight then there are a few ways to go about it, but if you’re serious about it then you’ll notice that all the effective ways ultimately boil down to one approach, in essence. Many people suffer from what could very well be some justifiable analysis paralysis, but at some point […]

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Achieving Fitness Goals In Spite of Food Allergies

Food allergies can make for some of the most annoying realities to have to deal with, whether it’s allergies suffered by your kids or if you’re the unfortunate individual to have to constantly watch what you eat. Look at it as a blessing though – all the people I know who are fighting a lifelong […]

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Stay Out of Trouble, Stay Away From Drugs

It’s fascinating that drug use is often glorified in mainstream entertainment culture. The unfortunate reality is that if you get involved with drugs on certain levels, there are legal, financial, and social implications that are incredibly negative, and can potentially alter the course of your life in a grave direction forever. […]

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